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Well Visits/Immunization Schedule

3-4 days Well Visit
10-14 days Well Visit
1 month Well Visit and Hepatitis B
2 months Well Visit and Pentacel, Prevnar 20, RotaTeq
4 months Well Visit and Pentacel, Prevnar 20, RotaTeq
6 months Well Visit and Pentacel, Prevnar 20, RotaTeq
9 months Well Visit and Hepatitis B
12 months Well Visit and MMR, Varicella, Hepatitis A
15 months Well Visit and Pentacel, Prevnar 20
18 months Well Visit and Hepatitis A
2 years Well Visit
2.5 years Well Visit
3 years Well Visit
4 years Well Visit and Quadracel, MMR, Varicella
5-10 years Annual exams
11-12 years Well Visit and Tdap, MenQuadfi, HPV
13-15 years Annual exams
16 years Well Visit and MenQuadfi, Trumenba B
17 years Well Visit and Trumenba B
18-21 years Annual exams
21 years Well Visit and Tetanus Booster

*Pentacel = DaPT/IPV/Hib

*Prevnar 20 = Pneumocococcal vaccine 20-valent

*RotaTeq = Rotavirus vaccine (2-8 months)

*MMR = Measles/Mumps/Rubella

*DaPT = Diptheria/Pertussis/Tetanus

*Hib = Hemophilus influenza b

Quadracel= DTap/IP

*Tdap = Tetanus/Diptheria/Pertussis (11years of age and older)

*HPV = Human Papilloma Virus (3 dose series completed over 6 months)

*MenQuadfi = Meningococcal vaccine (2 dose series 3-5 years apart)

Trumenba B = Meningococcal B vaccine (2 series 6-12 months apart)

**Influenza is recommended for all children 6 months of age or older every Fall**